The Toothbrush Effect

Anggun S Rahmi
2 min readMar 1, 2021

When you are going on trip and have no toothbrush available, your day may end or start in bad notes, right? Well, we can’t disagree with the fact that everyone love to have a clean teeth. Even the data says that toothbrush is the innovation American can’t live without, beating cars and computer (MIT Lamelson Innovation Index survey, 2003).

The toothbrush we familiar with invented in 1938 and it popularity soars around World War II. The soldier bring the habit of brushing the teeth and now almost everyone having this tools 24/7 in their bathroom.

That’s just how great this invention is. Unfortunately, not all people knows the great effect of toothbrush. So do I, not until I am aware that 1 billion of toothbrush are thrown away in the US, that’s enough to stretch around earth 4 times!

Well, now this is actually matters.

Just as great this invention is, it also can make our future suffer greatly. Yep, that’s because most toothbrush actually made of plastic and it takes 500 years for one toothbrush to fully decompose. Truth to be told, the first plastic toothbrush is still there, somewhere.

Through this post, I want to shows you that the simple tools we use daily actually has a greater effect than what we have been imagine. So does our tiny action.

Bamboo Toothbrush

Swapping this plastic toothbrush to more sustainable option is actually reducing the burden our earth bear, greatly. We may argue that it’s such a hassle to change our daily tools to more sustainable option. Like, it cost more or it adds more things in my bag or it’s not suit my taste, etc.

But, for this one, it’s somewhat unquestionable. The option is actually looks and feels the same like the original. It’s called bamboo toothbrush. The one that works perfectly fine like the plastic, it cost about the same and more importantly it’s a sustainable option.

Actually, I just want to shout out that this sustainable toothbrush exist and it may save our world from the ‘plastic crisis’.

Although we may not know how urgent this crisis are, we may agree that this summer is just too much or the hazard weather causing floods everywhere and the air is not fresh anymore. This shows how real this crisis.

Now, for our part, changing the toothbrush can contribute to lessen the plastic waste. The action can contribute to our only home, the earth, to fight the battle longer.

The solution is here and the toothbrush effect is real.

